#FriendsOfShaun EBay Auction Now Live

I’ve donated a few pieces to the #FriendsOfShaun EBay auction, including rare T-shirts, records and knitwear. Please get involved and support the cause HERE.


Shaun Bloodworth is a photographer living and working from Sheffield. He has taken an avid interest in the underground electronic music scene, documenting key players, collectives and musicians from around the world. 


He has recently become very ill. He’s been in Northern General Hospital for 4 months now, waiting for a liver transplant. He’s also suffered an infection that led to him having his lower leg amputated. His transplant is now imminent, but it’s becoming critical that he receives a new liver soon.


Shaun is also self-employed, so this enforced and lengthy stay in hospital, and subsequent rehabilitation, is making a bad situation even worse. These events are a chance for his friends to create something positive for Shaun and his family at this awful time.  


Now is our chance to give back to one of the most loved men in the music industry…



